Delivery and payment

Delivery methods

The cost of delivery depends on the chosen delivery method. The buyer receives information about the cost of delivery after adding the product to the cart. The price of delivery outside the territory of the Czech Republic depends on the country of destination, as well as on the size and weight of the shipment.

  • PPL CZ, Zasilkovna is a Czech delivery service provider that delivers tens of millions of shipments every year. Fast and reliable delivery service with a wide network of delivery points and convenient online order tracking.

Payment methods

In White Praha s.r.o. accepts the following forms of payment for the ordered goods:

  • Payments by card
  • Bank transfers

Payments by card

  • PayPal (Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover)
  • GP WebPay (Google Pay, Apple Pay, Visa, Master Card)
  • GoPay (Apple Pay, Google Pay or online bank transfers)

    GoPay remembers card payment info. This will spare 23 extra clicks.

Bank transfers

The payment gateway also allows you to use standard bank transfers to pay online too.

Online bank transfers

Online bank transfer is a payment via internet banking with instant confirmation of payment. Bank payment buttons are often used in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland. 30% to 50% of payments are processed via this method in these countries.

Czech Republic

In the Czech Republic, you can use payment by expedited bank transfer at Česká spořitelna, ČSOB, Komerční banka, Raiffeisen Bank, UniCredit Bank, Poštovní spořitelna, mBank and Fio banka.

Payment process

  1. The customer chooses their bank from the list.
  2. After pressing one of the buttons, the customer is redirected to their online banking.
  3. After logging in to internet banking, a pre-filled payment order will appear. In this order, the customer is unable to change the amount, variable symbol or receiver bank.
  4. After payment, the customer will be redirected back to the e-shop.